Certificate of Deposit Client

The CertificateOfDepositClient class extends ContractEngine to interact with a specific smart contract implementation for a Certificate of Deposit on the Stellar network. It implements methods for managing deposits, withdrawals, and fetching contract-related data.

Refer to the E2E Certificate of Deposit demo for a detailed use case and code example including this client. A fully integrated version of this contract implementation with UI can also be seen at the Custodial Asset Sandbox.


  • Parameters:

    • contractId: Contract ID of the deployed contract.

    • network: Network configuration.

    • rpcHandler: RPC handler for interactions.

  • Purpose: Initializes the client with the necessary configurations to interact with the Certificate of Deposit contract.



  • Purpose: Deposits assets into the contract.

  • Parameters:

    • address: Account address making the deposit.

    • amount: Deposit amount.

    • signers: Authorizing signers.

    • header: Transaction header.

    • feeBump: Optional fee bump.


  • Purpose: Withdraws assets from the contract.

  • Parameters:

    • address: Account address withdrawing assets.

    • acceptPrematureWithdraw: Flag for premature withdrawal acceptance.

    • signers: Authorizing signers.

    • header: Transaction header.

    • feeBump: Optional fee bump.


  • Purpose: Fetches estimated yield.

  • Parameters:

    • address: Account address.

    • header: Transaction header.


  • Purpose: Retrieves current position.

  • Parameters:

    • address: Account address.

    • header: Transaction header.


  • Purpose: Estimates premature withdrawal amount.

  • Parameters:

    • address: Account address.

    • header: Transaction header.


  • Purpose: Determines time left for penalty-free withdrawal.

  • Parameters:

    • address: Account address.

    • header: Transaction header.


  • Purpose: Initializes contract state.

  • Parameters:

    • admin, asset, term, compoundStep, yieldRate, minDeposit, penaltyRate, allowancePeriod: Contract parameters.

    • signers: Authorizing signers.

    • header: Transaction header.

    • feeBump: Optional fee bump.

The initialization parameters affect the CD rules as the following:

  • Admin Defines which account can manage the CD contract and also receives and provides the funds from/to the users.

  • Asset The contract id of the Stellar Asset Contract for the wrapped Classic Asset this CD interacts with.

  • Term (seconds) For how long this CD will accrue interest to a open deposit position.

  • Compound Step (seconds) How often will the interest be paid/compound. If set to '0', a different yield rate calculation is used and the interest rate will be applied linearly until the end of the term.

  • Yield Rate (1 unit = 0.01%) How much interest will be paid out. For compounding interest, this means at every compound interval, while the linear rate will reach this rate at the end of the term.

  • Minimum Deposit Minimum amount accepted for a deposit.

  • Penalty Rate (1 unit = 0.01%) If a user accepts the early withdraw, before the term is finished, this penalty rate will be applied to the earned interest. E.g. A 200 units position (100 deposit + 100 earned yield) withdrawing early with a penalty rate of 50% will receive 150 units(100 deposit + 50 earned yield)

  • Allowance Period (Expiration ledger number) Until which ledger will the allowance for the contract to access the admin funds be valid.

This class provides a structured and convenient way to interact with the Certificate of Deposit contract on the Stellar network, encapsulating complex contract interactions into simpler method calls.

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